all postcodes in PE12 / SPALDING

find any address or company within the PE12 postcode district

Postcode Area

PE / Peterborough

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PE12 6AH 58 0 52.745098 -0.130313
PE12 6AA 11 0 52.771523 -0.160079
PE12 6AB 1 1 52.769287 -0.159873
PE12 6AD 64 0 52.76678 -0.15976
PE12 6AE 3 1 52.753892 -0.156788
PE12 6FR 11 0 52.75031 -0.145977
PE12 6AG 4 0 52.754347 -0.141997
PE12 6AJ 24 0 52.744622 -0.131906
PE12 6AL 46 1 52.740962 -0.130875
PE12 6AN 17 0 52.743386 -0.132181
PE12 6AP 71 0 52.741119 -0.126573
PE12 6AQ 25 1 52.745783 -0.139398
PE12 6FS 28 1 52.747432 -0.125326
PE12 6AS 7 0 52.753514 -0.125226
PE12 6AU 6 0 52.77926 -0.139792
PE12 6AW 16 0 52.727783 -0.127946
PE12 6AX 40 0 52.780321 -0.139068
PE12 6AY 27 0 52.78003 -0.138858
PE12 6AZ 17 1 52.767165 -0.154078
PE12 6BA 8 0 52.788154 -0.13344